So... I came up with a few ideas.1) Shrine defense.As we all know, the game is pretty much over when Genji (or the Onbashira) is dead.Maybe have the shrine be able to defend itself?Like an AoE centered on the shrine that deals faith*5 damage every 5 seconds, and costs 1 faith.Or a missle like on the hot spring/god stone that does less damage/attacks slower.
2) Extra Mode!End game tends to become a game of movement and being mobile to defeat towers before enemy heros get there.So make it more interesting with a 'Extra' mode for each hero.As soon as she hits level 25 and the game is at least x minutes in (maybe 45 or 60?), she is replaced with a much stronger Extra (EX) mode that greatly increases all stats, and provides new spells as well.
e.g. Reimu --> EX-Reimu.EX-Rumia --> EX-EX-Rumia.
3) Have towers get stronger over time as well.As soon as the game progresses far enough, heros can solo a tower.Making towers get stronger over time helps to remedy this, and make end-game non-hero strategy more interesting.
Overall, they're just endgame fixes that would make everything more interesting. 1) power would be good to strengthen the towers of the team for a few seconds.
2) item to silence spell
3) if the tower is attacked without the presence of a creep, this recovers life 1)creeps scaling way more slower so int girls didn't become a such useless food endgame
2)duplicate mode! :D its fun to see 4v4 all (insert your fav girl here)
3)same as the 3rd idea from the post above (losing when you winning alot because theres a bastard backdooring 24/7 your towers is pretty dumb) I would like to see anti backdoor stuff. Something like creeps have a 700 anti tower aura, drops tower armor by -1,000 or something like that. And have towers have whatever their armor is at currently +1,000. It can also auto regen if attacked while no creeps are within 1000 range or something. 本帖最后由 tbaxflan 于 2011-9-1 09:47 编辑
Hmm, well the tower could get some anti-backdoor stuff, but +1000 armor is too OP.
How about making certain skills don't work (like Yamame's spiders) when there are no creeps around. The +1000 armor is only active when enemy creeps aren't there. In DOTA, what they did was skyrocket the regen rate of towers if you attack it when creeps aren't close by. this i spartaaaaa 本帖最后由 DrRawr 于 2011-11-7 05:41 编辑
oh i got some ideas also
-remove gold loss on death
-add an items that give %hp when you take skill damage
-remove weather/tower/shrine abilities
-remove buybacks
-remove spirit
-make more items that give gold every 10seconds but also give other buffs lie +health, more magic damage, or give critical strikes.
-allow the same girls to be picked on both sides
-certain spots you can hid in where enemies cant see you unless they enter it also, like a bush or really tall grass
-everyone should have a starting ability no exceptions
-have yuugis D strength scale with her strength so she gets more strength
-allow certain %movement items to stack
-readd an item that gives cleave
-remake true sight into a consumable that lasts until you die
-add consumables that last for a certain amount of time that gives buffs like more health, evasion,damage, etc.
-add items that reducing heal and regen, it also must do damage over time
-unable to view replays
-get someone who knows what they are doing so you wont have to fix the same bug 3? times
-remake the map
-just make a new map Seeing the direction dots is going crit % should also be additive. Hmm, please report any bugs here. We'll fix them as soon as we can! Akai-Flandre 发表于 2011-12-29 08:23 static/image/common/back.gif
well like i wrote in the other thread here the quote of it
Thanks for the post :)
Regarding the crashes, I think it has a high chance of happening when you play another game without restarting WC3. It has something to do with the way the gamecache is used by the map. Will see if something can be done about it.
The item that you're thinking of is the Gensokyo Chronicles. After testing it, I couldn't make the same problem appear. Perhaps you might have forgotten about the History Textbook needing a mushroom too? I've seen some other players forget about this in-game too.
I also can't find the bug with Tewi's ultimate...