Introduction and Rules
本帖最后由 LuckyCharat 于 2011-8-5 23:31 编辑I hereby thank Melonbun to be generous enough to allocate a board for us english speakers.
This board is created shortly after the reopening of Doujinstyle, compared to other boards, this place is more lenient. Feel free to post anything Touhou, DotS, doujin-games or even things related to everyday life.
There are only a few things which will have zero tolerance and can be permanently banned if violated:
1. Excessive flaming, all out ragewars and heavily assaulting other members.
2. Disturbing stuff.
3. Not setting the minimum reputation for adult material.
4. Scams and bots.
5. Violation of privacy (That is, according to glorious China laws, you cannot post any text or screenshots of chat logs without the related person's permission. If you must do so, please hide/mosaic the name/id of any involved people.)
You can be silenced, have your points decreased or temporarily banned if you (but can also be permanently banned if it happens too much):
1. Spam excessively (unless you're specifically doing random threads)
2. Raging or immoral actions.
3. Assaulting other members. Kepp quiet then know 本帖最后由 蘋果餅 于 2011-8-6 01:17 编辑
太好了!!! So, at this situation,
i need to clarify that I dont know English. Hello o/
I am the creator of Nuke the Baka (NtB) and Slide Baka Slide (SBS)
Pleased to meet you all. {:4_136:} Nice, I get kinda lost when seeing the chineses threads, so that helps a lot.
I play DotS and SDMD, nice to meet you guys. 本帖最后由 黑化蓮華 于 2011-8-6 00:07 编辑
Well come here to enjoy the English speech
But people who think there may not recognize me 本帖最后由 蘋果餅 于 2011-8-6 01:17 编辑
English is overrated
Win Engrish, yea Lurk'ed here for a long time, and decided to show up for once :V Many people use web pages translated to speech thing
GOOGLE is a good translation website Hmm I've been here for a while. Mostly just reading and downloading the map and posting rubbish (mostly to see hidden pictures -.-;;)
I play DotS, SDMD and lately, more of TH Moon. Yay, English Thread!
I don't have much problem seeing the Regular Threads here, but I was very curious about gameplay stuff and replays. (Which I couldn't see without a proper account)
I play pretty much any Touhou Related map, but mainly DotS. Nice to meet you all. Hi~
-s9 GG~ Finally a place where i can understand something. my chinese is very limited. and google translate is a lie. tentacles and sandbags, how do they work?