水母妹妹 发表于 2012-10-26 15:32:22

EastNewSound 1.0 (flac / vorbis)客官别走嘛~进来好歹也有试听哦~

本帖最后由 水母妹妹 于 2012-10-26 16:23 编辑


Version: 1.0
Links: lossless, lossy
Overview: If I’d have to describe ENS in two words, I’d say dance music + vocals. Yes, it is precisely the thing. From electro house to hardcore (artists: 黒鳥, すみじゅん, きりん, crouka, , spiced with amazing doujin vocalists like Tsubaki, Chata, Hotaru et al. If you like toho arranges, that’s another reason to check it out, because arranges are the main activity of the circle. But recently, they started releasing original albums too.official site

000 (東方紅楼夢4)]
Lyrical Crimson (C75)]
Scattered Destiny (例大祭6)]
Lyrical Crimson the instrumental (M3-23)]
Lucent Wish (C76)]
Lucent Wish the instrumental (東方紅楼夢5)]
Sacred Factor (C77)]
EastNewSoundBest vol.1 (例大祭7)
Sacred Factor the instrumental (例大祭7)
Alternative Outside 2010 Summer (C78)
Felsic Mirage (C78)
Alternative Outside 2010 Winter (C79)
Felsic Mirage the instrumental (C79)
Split Theory (C79)
Definite Energy (例大祭8)
Split Theory the instrumental (例大祭8)
Alternative Outside 2011 summer (C80)
Solitude Blossom (C80)
Solitude Blossom the instrumental (紅楼夢7)
Dione Aggregation (C81)
Uncanny Instinct (C81)
Dione Aggregation the instrumental (例大祭9) (mp3)
EastNewSoundBest vol.2 (例大祭9)
BlazeOut (C82)
LimitedDimension (C82)



Miku最爱 发表于 2012-10-26 19:10:50

路过打个酱油 石原老贼还我ASL!!!明天就是10月27了啊摔!~

水母妹妹 发表于 2012-10-26 19:22:32

Miku最爱 发表于 2012-10-26 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif
路过打个酱油 石原老贼还我ASL!!!明天就是10月27了啊摔!~


远古萝卜酱 发表于 2012-10-26 21:20:03


Miku最爱 发表于 2012-10-27 00:13:14

水母妹妹 发表于 2012-10-26 19:22 static/image/common/back.gif

明天本来是asl 2012魔都场的日子啊可恶的石原老贼还我ASL {:6_319:}我的77和姬樣啊~   好不容易能見次本人而且這次還有擼5來唱千本櫻 還有bad apple的現場   如果不是ASL取消了現在肯定high到爆啊

alwaysstrong123 发表于 2012-11-10 23:09:54

thank you very much!

denny4201 发表于 2012-11-23 00:43:55



mlgbaby 发表于 2012-11-20 19:10:09

页: [1]
查看完整版本: EastNewSound 1.0 (flac / vorbis)客官别走嘛~进来好歹也有试听哦~